Friday, 10 October 2008


for our project we found that we had some good points but some slight mistakes which we could of made better to make our project things such as we had some jump cuts which made the short film out of sync which could of made our audience disorientated with more time we could of resolved this problem but with a short amount of time we had to leave the project as it is. Another problem we came up against was the matter of 'old tape syndrome' this also could of been resolved by re-filming but the time again was an issue. to conclude our project i think we made a fair attempt and have learnt from our small mistake. If we were to do the project again i think we could of planned better and used our time more wisely.  

1 comment:

Dr C said...

Although your filming/editing works quite well (with the exceptions I mentioned) you don't quite follo your own storyboard - some shots seem to be from a different angle.